
Follow Up to Garment Factory Blog Post

Last week I wrote about an unsubstantiated article http://tinyurl.com/bw7rql suggesting that the U.S. might have granted China eminent domain in as collateral for debt in the event of default. To follow up, I wrote Snopes.com as follows:

Is it true that during Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit
to Beijing this week, the U.S. agreed to grant to China as collateral for
our debts eminent domain of U.S. property in the case of default?
and received this in reply:

As Snopes replied, common sense applies, if it were true it would appear far wider than in Hal Turner's blog: http://tinyurl.com/bw7rql So we can all relax FOR NOW, we just owe China our blood & sweat, not our property.

~ I'm just sayin'.

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